| Book Cover | Bibliographic Information |
1 | | 日本占領 : 資料解題 / 五百旗頭真著. -- 丸善. -. |
2 | | 対日政策の形成 / 五百旗頭真著. -- 丸善, 1985. -- (日本占領 : 資料解題 / 五百旗頭真著 ; 第1 部). -. |
3 | | The occupation of Japan : U.S. planning documents 1942-1945 / [editor, Makoto Iokibe]. -- Congressional Information Service, 1987. -. |
4 | | Philanthropy and reconciliation : rebuilding postwar U.S.-Japan relations / edited by Yamamoto Tadashi, Iriye Akira, and Iokibe Makoto. -- Japan Center for International Exchange, 2006. -. |
5 | | Japanese diplomacy in the 1950s : from isolation to integration / edited by Iokibe Makoto...[et al.] ; : hbk. -- Routledge, 2008. -- (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia ; 49). -. |
6 | | The diplomatic history of postwar Japan / edited by Makoto Iokibe ; translated and annotated by Robert D. Eldridge ; : pbk, : hbk. -- Routledge, 2011. -. |
7 | | もう一つの日米交流史 : 日米協会資料で読む20世紀 / 日米協会編. -- 中央公論新社, 2012. -. |
8 | | 宮澤喜一 : 保守本流の軌跡 / 宮澤喜一 [述] ; 五百旗頭真, 伊藤元重, 薬師寺克行編. -- 朝日新聞社, 2006. -- (90年代の証言). -. |
9 | | The history of US-Japan relations : from Perry to the present / Makoto Iokibe, editor ; Tosh Minohara, English translation editor. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. -- (Japan library). -. |
10 | | The era of great disasters : Japan and its three major earthquakes / Iokibe Makoto ; translated by Tony Gonzalez ; [foreword by Yamazaki Masakazu] ; : hardcover. -- University of Michigan Press, 2020. -- (Michigan monograph series in Japanese studies ; no. 89)(Japan library). -. |
11 | | 戦後日本外交史 / 五百旗頭真編. -- 新版. -- 有斐閣, 2006. -- (有斐閣アルマ ; Specialized). -. |
| Book Cover | Bibliographic Information |